Testimonial Stories

Name: Elanna
Ages: 9
What’s in your Pillowink? Mom bought one of these for me and one for my brother, Itch (that's my nickname for him). He's 7. We've been having such fun finding gifts from her and our dad.
What do you have to say about it? Itch had a big baseball game last weekend and I decided to leave him a note in his PW pocket to wish him a great game and good hitting. I had not done this before. He hit a triple! He had never done THAT before! I took all the credit ... heehee!
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Name: Katie + Mike
Ages: 28 + 31
What’s in your Pillowink? The sweetest note from Mike about our new way of communicating. He's crazy in love with it!
What do you have to say about it? We're both artists, which we never thought would become a problem, but it did. We ended up in couples therapy and although we loved our therapist, it wasn't working very well. A friend suggested Pillowinks so I took a look and thought, well, could be cool. It's been just what we needed! No talk to start, just sweet notes, lots of hugs and hand holding (my favorite). Thank you, Pillowinks!

P.S. Our friend Marc took the photo we sent. I did the drawings, Marc put them into the photo. Thank you, Marc! (check out pillo.winks on FB)

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Name: Joanne
Age: 46
What’s in your Pillowink? It's for my nephew who is autistic.
What do you have to say about it? The Pillowink is even sweeter than I thought it would be. What a great gift this will be for Roland and his family.
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Name: Wendy
Age: 59
What’s in your Pillowink? Nothing yet.
What do you have to say about it? I had ordered PWs for my brother and his family as Christmas gifts. I needed a new pillowcase and remembered the organic feature, plus loved the secret pocket idea. I ordered one and absolutely adore it! Super soft, I can actually breathe without waking up congested and sneezing, so therefore I sleep better! Who wouldn't want to breathe & sleep better? Two main essentials to life! Thanks so much PW's for helping me out!!! Love my PW's!!

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Name: Rianna
Age: 11
What’s in your Pillowink? Kitty treats.
What do you have to say about it? Our cat MiMi sleeps with everyone but me and it makes me sad. My mom bought a Pillowinks and left some treats in the pocket. She brought MiMi into my bed one night and I gave her some treats. Now, MiMi sleeps with me every night and keeps sniffing the pocket. Sweet girl! Slowly weaning her off the treats and on to only scratches and kisses. My mom is really smart.

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Name: Peter
Age: 8
What’s in your Pillowink? MONEY!
What do you have to say about it? I did a lot of chores to afford this new bike and with this money I only had to work 3 more day instead of 7. My dad and I went to the bike shop together.

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Name: Aster
Age: 26
What’s in your Pillowink? A map to our favorite beach. When I got there, Matt was kneeling on our blanket. He had written I Love You in the sand. He asked me to marry him!
What do you have to say about it? "I love you forever, Matt! I'm getting married!"

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Name: Jake
Age: 5
What’s in your Pillowink? Tooth Fairy money.
What do you have to say about it? I like this. Will I always find money in the Pillowink?
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Names: Janice and Heidi
Ages: 6 and 9
What’s in your Pillowink? We've been playing a game.
What do you have to say about it? xoxoxo We're having so much fun!
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Name: Sydney
Age: 32
What’s in your Pillowink? xoxoxo and my old rose quartz crystal from my 8 year old daughter.
What do you have to say about it? I burst into tears I of overwhelming joy!

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Name: Elissa
Age: 5
What’s in your Pillowink? A note from Sienna, my daughter. She wrote, I LOVE YOU!!! and drew a picture of a ChitterBug (the nickname I gave her!).
What do you have to say about it? I had not seen her draw a Chitter Bug so this was very special for me.

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Name: Jolene
Age: 53
What’s in your Pillowink? Lavender
What do you have to say about it? My sinuses are clearer with the organic Pillowink and the lavender relaxes me. Better sleeping.

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Name: Lily
Age: 3
What’s in your Pillowink? Hello Kitty miniature backpack and writing set from my mommy and daddy!
What do you have to say about it? I loved finding a special surprise just for me and not my older brothers.

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Name: Lindsey
Age: 70
What’s in your Pillowink? An old photo of me and Ruthie holding hands and all dressed in our little girl winter coats and leggings. I was spending the night at Ruthie's house.
What do you have to say about it? How did we ever move in all those clothes? We stayed up all night laughing and crying about those days! A treasured gift.
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Name: Lillianna
Age: 40
What’s in your Pillowink? Not telling!
What do you have to say about it? YES, I'D LOVE TO! And then I kissed my husband all over!
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Name: Carly
Age: 5
What’s in your Pillowink? A doggie treat!
What do you have to say about it? The next day we adopted Brownie, my new BFF forever! xoxoxoxo
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Name: Claire
Age: 6
What’s in your Pillowink? Tooth Fairy money!
What do you have to say about it? YAYAYAY!!!
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Name: Hannah
Age: 72
What’s in your Pillowink? Rosaries.
What do you have to say about it? My Dad was a proud Naval Officer during WW2. For all his life he tucked his rosaries under his pillow and with my bedroom wall backing up to my parents, I could hear him murmur his prayers every night. It sent me off to sleep peacefully and inspired me to do the same.
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Name: André
Age: 11
What’s in your Pillowink? Gag gifts from my mom.
What do you have to say about it? She makes me laugh.

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Name: Jesse
Age: 14
What’s in your Pillowink? A note from mom asking,  'Shopping and lunch tomorrow?'
What do you have to say about it? OH YES! We haven't done anything like this in forever, I almost didn't believe it.

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Name: Vera
What’s in your Pillowink? 
A beautiful ring JUST for acting like a grown up! 
What do you have to say about it? 
I might have to do it more often.

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Name: Martha
What’s in your Pillowink?
Two of our grandchildren live close by and take turns spending the night with me, Jim and our three kitties. We loved the whole idea of the Pillowinks and bought one for their bedroom. 
What do you have to say about it?
They love them! We're all having such fun.

P.S. Then I bought one for myself and one for Jim. We needed to have more fun!

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Name: Rita
What’s in your Pillowink? 
Leaving small gifts and sweet notes between my husband and I.
What do you have to say about it?
Without having to make conversation and/or a big deal of it—just a wink—Pillowinks has brought back some of our spontaneity at, in my opinion, a critical time. We had forgotten how much we enjoy each other. 

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Name: Silas
What’s in your Pillowink?
A duck for my collection from my grandmother.
What do you have to say about it?

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Name: My mom's name is Joy.
What’s in her Pillowink? 
A picture of her beloved kitty, Tiff.
What did she have to say about it? 
Getting the PWs has helped her feel closer to Tiff. She said she loves the softness and coolness of the organic material and it helps with her sinuses, too! What a terrific idea! Thank you again!!!